A downloadable game for Windows


Dive into the chilling depths of "EchoesOfBlind," a horror game where silence is your only sanctuary. In this eerie adventure, you are hunted by a blind ghost that senses your every sound. Amidst the haunting echoes, your mission is to discreetly navigate through an environment filled with noise-triggering bear objects. Your ultimate goal? To gather five sacred items scattered throughout this spine-tingling setting.

But beware—the slightest whisper could be your downfall. Each item must be carefully collected and offered at the mystical altar to purify the vengeful spirit that lurks in the shadows. Can you outsmart the auditory acute phantom and cleanse the haunted grounds, or will you fall prey to the relentless ghostly pursuer?

Step quietly into "EchoesOfBlind," where your stealth and strategic silence decide your fate. Will you achieve silence and survive, or will your echoes lead to your end? Play now and embrace the silence of survival.

The gameplay is expected to last between 10 to 20 minutes.


W A S D Walk
LMB Interact
RMB Toss a Coin
Stop breathing
FOpen Door / Put on item
ESC Pause 

Future plans

  • 4-player multiplayer
  • Addition of voice chat functionality
  • Additional enemies
  • Additional maps
  • Enhanced graphics


Echoes of Blind.zip 940 MB

Install instructions


1. Download the game

2. Extract the file using file compression tool (7-Zip, WinRar, WinZip, etc.)

3. Open the .exe file to play

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